I* am writing another blog post because I feel like posting on a blog is what you’re supposed to do. However, there is a problem: I don’t feel any need for this kind of thing. I’m not a natural sharer (er, in real life I probably share way more information than you ever wanted, but that’s fun...right? Amiright?). I don’t want to tweet and blog...I want to ride my bike (and go for a run...and I’ll swim if really pushed to find a reason not to write/e-mail/tweet). So...this week you’re getting a quick low down of the important things in my life, a little snippet into the Things an Ali Needs to survive: 1. Tidiness. At all times, things must be in their place. I cannot stand when things are a mess, I get stressed. I get angry. Please see Exhibit A for a classic example of how to be tidy. Also, Exhibit B. EXHIBIT A: EVERYTHING MUST BE IN ITS PLACE. EXHIBIT B: Caught in the act of being tidy. 2. Coffee. I love coffee. I find it particularly beneficial for procrastinating before going swimming. Enough cups, and sometimes the pool has actually closed and I don’t have to go at all! 3. Food. I love food. The amount I love food cannot be expressed in words. Eggs. EGGS. 4. Sleep. At least 10 hours. Every night. 5. Being on time. I am ridiculously efficient, and excellent at being on time, every time**. Every morning you’ll find me sitting waiting, patiently, for others to get their act together and get ready to ride. It can get frustrating, but I try to let it wash over me. See Exhibit C. EXHIBIT C: People love me. * Please refer to ‘Disclaimer’.
**If you have told me we’re setting off 30 mins to an hour (or two) before we actually are. Disclaimer: This piece was entirely ghost-written by a supremely intelligent, quick witted and charismatic third party.
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bioHi, I'm Ali. I like riding bikes and coaching people to achieve their athletic goals. I've been coaching for more than 10 years now and have never failed to make an athlete faster (I can't quite believe this myself either). I used to race bikes, triathlon and in 2014 I broke 9 vertebrae and my skull. Follow my journey here and on Twitter. Archives
December 2016
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